'Festival on the wall' is a festival which shall take place close to hadrians wall, this festival shall be the first of its kind in the north east. Contracted by the festivals orginisers Paul smyth and David hails led a team to create the advertisment for the event. The planned advertisment was a video that would be projection mapped at various locations. As part of this team I played a role in creating and producing the final advertisment for the event.
This process would explore skills in animation and VFX. Covering techniques such as frame animation and motion tracking. This experience provided rich knowledge into how many different techniques can come togeather in a team environment to create a unique and interesting result for advertisment.
The production began by setting up a camera and shooting dance sequences off models against a green screen. The dances needed be no longer than 4 seconds long as they needed to be looped further down the production line.
Each member of the team (Including myself) was tasked with designing a looped animation that covered specific parameters. The design requirements included:,
- The character changing between 3 expressions.
- The animation must only include 12 frames.
- The animation must loop.
Above is my resulting animation loop in its raw hand drawn form. I decided upon hand drawing my animation due to the textured effect the lines have in future stages of production.
Due to the fact that my animation had been hand drawn, I made the decision to colour each frame in adobe photoshop. This allowed the most efficent and effective workflow for the production.
Once my looped animation had been finalisation I co-ordinated the collection of the remaining animations along with team leader paul to set up the final comp. Each recorded dance was cut up, and looped acordingly before I used Mocha AE to motion track the animted heads onto the bodies. Adding a gradient overlay resulted in my final dance loop.
With guidence from team leader paul, I led the development of the final animated comp by tracking and looping each memeber of my teams dance and comping into the final production.
Overall this live brief has allowed me to develop and learn alot about been a freelance animatior & illustrator. It has given me important experience when working on a project as a team. And has allowed me development into new skills, techniques and approaches to production.
Are you going to festival on the wall? Have you seen this projection around? Comment below!
Have a question? Want to get in contact? Email me at: Sickjujuu@gmail.com