Thursday, 27 April 2017

University presentation pitch - Slide Five

As previously mentioned in my blogs feed, I am currently in the process of developing a presentation that will serve to pitch myself in order to request a place at potential universities in the north east. The quality of this presentation as well as my presentation skills is a deciding factor as to whether or not I could get a place. Therefore, it goes without saying the importance that is placed upon creating a unique presentation for the purposes of this pitch.

Slide five is my final slide and it covers where I see myself heading after I study the course I am applying for. The content I decided to fill this slide with was various company logos and representing pictures. These logos don't represent the company themselves, more the idea that they represent.

For example when discussing job I could go into 'Cartoon Network' would represent a corporate business. 'Animex' Would represent joining a competition festival to gain recognition. 'Arcus animation' would represent a stand alone business I would work for and so forth. The content of this slide would be here as reference to assist in my own verbal explanations.

When desiging the environment for slide five, it was my vision that I give the impression of a professional office in the industry. I included things such as a computer displaying my website, pencil pot and even a certificate of my final course results. (Subconsciously telling them I'm great *Thumbs up*). (I included a drawing of slide four on the desk as a small reference if anyone noticed)

Do you like my slide design? What's your favourite part? Comment below!  
Have a question? Want to get in contact? Email me at:

Saturday, 22 April 2017

University presentation pitch - Slide Four

As previously mentioned in my blogs feed, I am currently in the process of developing a presentation that will serve to pitch myself in order to request a place at potential universities in the north east. The quality of this presentation as well as my presentation skills is a deciding factor as to whether or not I could get a place. Therefore, it goes without saying the importance that is placed upon creating a unique presentation for the purposes of this pitch.

Slide four was designed to visually represent the subjects I wish to learn about. The flesh and bone of my intentions for the course. The software, the workflow, communication skills. Animation techniques as well as support from a professional. A poster covering the '12 principles of animation' would represent my desire to hone my animation skills. A poster covering software logos and people talking would represent problem solving and team working skill development. And a poster of a lighthouse would represent a wish to be guided in my development.

When designing the environment for slide four, my vision was to show my own personal desires, my determination and my requirement to refine myself. I chose to represent the room as a bedroom to show that is where I do my work, but I want to move out and into a industry environment. 

Do you like my slide design? What's your favourite part? Comment below!  
Have a question? Want to get in contact? Email me at:

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

University presentation pitch - Slide Three

As previously mentioned in my blogs feed, I am currently in the process of developing a presentation that will serve to pitch myself in order to request a place at potential universities in the north east. The quality of this presentation as well as my presentation skills is a deciding factor as to whether or not I could get a place. Therefore, it goes without saying the importance that is placed upon creating a unique presentation for the purposes of this pitch.

Slide three will be made up from work I have developed over the course of my time studying at Newcastle college. I will use my work as reference to discuss what I am capable of and how I did each piece. As well as the relevance of the pieces going forward.

When designing the environment for slide three, I was attempting to imply that the placement was at the top of a staircase. This was because I wanted to explain going on from my inspirations, this is the results I got. I wanted to suggest that I had taken inspiration and raised my standard of work because of it. 'Going up the staircase of skills and creativity'.

My vision for slide three was to imitate an exhibition, giving that undertone of professionalism in my work. Showing that my work was not only appealing, but my presentation skills were also innovative and creative.

Do you like my slide design? What's your favourite part? Comment below!  
Have a question? Want to get in contact? Email me at:

Saturday, 15 April 2017

University presentation pitch - Slide Two

As previously mentioned in my blogs feed, I am currently in the process of developing a presentation that will serve to pitch myself in order to request a place at potential universities in the north east. The quality of this presentation as well as my presentation skills is a deciding factor as to whether or not I could get a place. Therefore, it goes without saying the importance that is placed upon creating a unique presentation for the purposes of this pitch.

The presentation that I am creating is required to follow set parameters. These parametres give you five slides only to use when creating a presentaiton, but give you only four topics to cover these slides. Therefore a single slide has been gifted as a free oppitunity to do what I want with in. In regards to this slide I have chosen to divde: Inspiration and research methods into seperate slides. I have done this because I believe these two topics are not similer and would benefit from been discussed seperatly.

The content of slide two shall consist of my inspirations within animation and illustration. I have broken this up into 4 artists that I have an interest in, making sure to showcase at least one piece of their work that inspires me. When the presentation happens, I shall use these pictures as a reference when I express my interest in the artist.
I have depicted the setting of this slide to be set on a dining table. I did this because some of my most inspiring conversations happen whilst I am enjoying lunch or spending time at the table. I wanted to incorporate this setting into my slide design to add an organic personal touch to the work. I made sure to pay special attention in making the room feel 'real'. I did this by generating a cluttered expression with the frames varying styles and positioning.

My main vision for this slide was to create an interesting design that varies in style but maintain their consistency. It is important as an aspiring animator and illustrator to master visual measuring and consistency within the style. This is a trait I wanted to express through my work. Overall, I am personally satisfied with my second slide.

Do you like my slide design? What's your favourite part? Comment below!

Have a question? Want to get in contact? Email me at:

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

University presentation pitch - Slide One

As previously mentioned in my blogs feed, I am currently in the process of developing a presentation that will serve to pitch myself in order to request a place at potential universities in the north east. The quality of this presentation as well as my presentation skills is a deciding factor as to whether or not I could get a place. Therefore, it goes without saying the importance that is placed upon creating a unique presentation for the purposes of this pitch.

The presentation that I am creating is required to follow set parameters. These parametres give you five slides only to use when creating a presentaiton, but give you only four topics to cover these slides. Therefore a single slide has been gifted as a free oppitunity to do what I want with in. In regards to this slide I have chosen to divde: Inspiration and research methods into seperate slides. I have done this because I believe these two topics are not similer and would benefit from been discussed seperatly. 

The first slide I have created will represent the topic of research methods. I have taken the liberty of expanding upon this subject from research methods to workflow methods. Covering not only how I approach a topic, but how I am managing a project. This is the slide I have created:

On the left hand side is a series of 'Leaflets' Featuring my most common stages of production in more detail. On the right hand side is a summed up technique I use when approaching projects. (At the top right hand corner is an acceptance letter onto the course, for that whole already deserve a place approach *Wink*) 

My main vision for this slide was to create an interesting composition that really expressed my interest and unique perspective when it came to workflow. I wanted to express without using words that I was intuitive and could think outside the box. Overall, I am personally satisfied with the first slide of my presentation.  

Do you like my slide design? What's your favourite part? Comment below!
Have a question? Want to get in contact? Email me at:

Saturday, 8 April 2017

Quick Update! - Plans from April to September 2017

Hello everyone! I just wanted to fill you all in on a quick update.

July 2017 will be the end of my time studying 'Level 3 Animation, Game and VFX' at Newcastle college. After 2 years of studying I have learnt many skills in various software's as well as workflow techniques. I have come so far in my aspirations to become an industry standard animator and illustrator and I'm excited for what the future holds for me. 

From now until the end of July I will be creating a portfolio and presentation in order to pitch myself to various courses at university's I am currently applying for. I will be sharing my development for my presentation here on my blog so that you can all appreciate the creative development. 

Presentation plans 
The challenge that each university has given me for my presentations development is as follows: 

  • Your presentation is only allowed to be 5 slides long (An introduction slide is counted as part of the five)
  • Try and make each slide as creative as possible (This doesn't affect our decision but it sure helps!) 
  • The slides must discus the following 4 topics: Inspiration and research methods, Current work in development and fully realized, What I want from HE and Career aspirations.
The real challenge that had been placed before me was to create a unique and creative presentation for the purposes of displaying my interests and ideals. Not only does the presentation have to be practical but by standing out as unique appears a cut above the rest securing my place within any potential foundation or degree. 

After much reflection and pondering I have decided that I would create each slide for my presentation on paper by handing drawing each detail. Each slide would appear to be a perspective of a house, with the contents of the slide been displayed as picture frames, leaflets or objects positioned within the rooms. As the slides go forward each room would journey through the house until I have covered each topic ending in the study. 

I believe by taking the time to explore this Idea fully I can generate a unique, organic and interesting presentation. 

Final show
Although I am preparing myself to move onto the next step in my aspiration's journey, my time at Newcastle college is not over yet. Coming up is the grand finale to everything I have been studying for, the final show. This show shall shall consist of an exhibition showcasing my and classes work to the public in an open evening show. 

For this show each student is required and challenged to create their own project of their own choosing to showcase at the event. I am planning to create an illustration and an animation to showcase my skills and add to my portfolio. This illustration shall most likely consist of a background that shall be used within the animation.

Thank you!
To everyone that has taken to time to follow my work you have my thanks. Sick juju has allowed me to explore my studies creatively and I cannot wait to share more with you.

Have you enjoyed your year so far? What was your favorite part? Comment below!  
Have a question? Want to get in contact? Email me at: 

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Tribe city - Presentation Pitch

In the industry around us it is increasingly important for companys to mock up potential ideas for the purposes of pitches and presentations.The most common way games make it into development and into the market place is through a sales pitch to a company publisher. 

Publishers are often the only way to fund a games project when going into the market which places a great importance on first impressions in the sale pitch. As an aspiring animator and illustrator it is important for myself that i develop a good understanding into presentation and social skills in order to meet the requirements of future opportunity.

The following presentation was created to pitch my designed game tribe city. It was important that I take great consideration into learning a rough speech in order to explain my games design concept fully.


When I entered the room i Immediately went and shook both individuals hands that I would be pitching too and introduced myself. This was important because it is a great social foundation for the pitch breaking the ice and giving a relaxed environment. Although I was nervous before the event, by putting myself out there and introducing myself I ensured my confidence was leading me and not my fear.  

Upon setting up my presentation I made sure to maintain attention towards the people I was pitching too and not read from the slides. I ensured that I read my audience taking the time to iterate on a points where confusion came across there faces. Initially there was much confusion but once my design illustrations came upon the screen there was satisfaction and expression over what they liked about the designs.

Feed back 
Unit 68 is designed to develop my understanding and skills when developing an idea for a pitch. By having the opportunity to present my work in front of games design lecturers, I was able to receive feed back to reflect upon. 

Both individuals agreed that i had social approached the topic well, they felt I had talked to them and not at them. This was engaging for them and they did not feel disconnected at any point. They both were in agreement that there was too much words at the beginning, they suggested that I space out my pictures and explanations together giving the audience assistance in understanding my idea. 

Each individual enjoyed and liked the styles I was approaching suggesting that it was appealing and engaging. There was concern however that my environment and characters lacked consistency and suggested that I made effort and took the time to adjust this to make better continuity in the game. 

Overall I am satisfied with this opportunity and I feel I have developed skills and feedback that will assist me in future projects as well as opportunity in the industry. This development has assisted me in my constant progress in becoming and industry standard animator and illustrator. 

Would you buy this game? Do you like the mock up? Comment below!  
Have a question? Want to get in contact? Email me at: