Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Tribe city - Brawl Mock up

''Tribe city attempts to push the boundaries of a brawler style game by adding strategy elements, but lets not forget the intense adrenaline a brawl can bring!''

The core aspect to each tribe city match is the brawl. Due to this there is an importance placed upon the experience of the brawl, if your core gameplay isn't fun the game isn't fun. 

It was my desire when designing the brawl screen to imitate the genuine expression that is given to hand drawn characters throughout early 1920s animation. This was my intention because i wanted to create a fight that felt good to play, each moment had to feel impactful.

The environment design had originated as a flat coloured 3d render. In order to create continuity between my hand drawn assets and my 3d rendered I utilised textures that invoked a handprinted expression ( similar to that of a 1920s cartoon ).

I wanted the health bar to be basic in design, this was intentionally chosen to ensure no focus was taken away from the main brawl at hand whilst maintaining the functionality of a health bar.

What do you think of my brawl mock up? Would you play tribe city? Comment below!  
Have a question? Want to get in contact? Email me at: Sickjujuu@gmail.com 

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