Friday 11 November 2016

Yorkshire gaming festival - Retro games room

During my time at Yorkshire games festival in bradford I had the opportunity to experience the media museums 'Retro Games lounge'. This lounge showcased the history of many old arcade games as well as the consoles that had been released in the early 80s and 90s.

As an aspiring animator and illustrator is was inspirational and beneficial for me to experience and understand where games design had come from. This lounge was perfect example into the style that was popular in the late 80s and early 90s. The games in the lounge showcased well how the pioneers of the games industry 'made their magic'.

During the 4 days the festival is running, the lounge would present an opportunity for designers and students to get to know one another and create contacts for all parties.

During my time in the Games lounge I stumbled across an old arcade version of 'Street fighter 2'. I found this to be very exciting as Street fighter was a game I enjoyed playing when I was younger. At some point in time I am keen to create a retro arcade themed design in my work showcasing the 'SickJuju' pseudonym.

I have much more to show you from my adventures in the Media Museum, Stay tuned!
Have any of you had the opportunity to play any retro games lately? Comment below your favourite retro game!

Have a question? Want to get in contact? Email me at ' '.

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